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Texas Workers-Compensation

The state of Texas is said to offer the worst compensation for injured workers. We were interested in a recently-released 5 year study conducted by the Worker’s Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) which delved into a variety of aspects of workers compensation. This interesting study revealed some alarming facts and trends about workers compensation in our state.

Research Highlights

There were a number of key points relating to Texas which particularly caught our attention:

  • Texas had one of the lowest cost per claim numbers amongst the 17 states included in the study. The cost per claim for Texas grew 2.5% from 2008 to 2013
  • Benefit delivery and indemnity claims grew more slowly than almost all other states
  • Medical claim costs grew 4% per year, which is slightly faster than the majority of states
  • Medical payments for claims accounted for over 70% of the increase in total claims cost. The study suggests that this is due to a greater number of non-hospital fees being paid by workers compensation

Texas Workers Compensation Well Below National Average

While insurance companies may be pleased that we have have a lower cost per claim than most, it is injured workers who may be paying dearly.

Another study conducted by ProPublica and NPR revealed that, in many cases, Texas ranks amongst the worst for compensating workers for their injuries. For example, in the state of Nevada, which had the highest compensation for leg injuries, workers received $457,418. If a worker in Texas injured his or her leg, he or she could expect compensation as much as 6 times less than that.

Some other revealing numbers include:

  • State Ranking for Foot Injuries: 44
  • National Average – $91,779 Texas average – $45,150
  • State Ranking for Arm Injuries:41
  • National average – $169,878 Texas average: $108,360
  • State Ranking for Hand Injuries: 35
  • National Average – $144,930 Texas average – $97,524
  • State Ranking for Index Finger Injuries: 35
  • National Average – $24,474 Texas average – $19,866
  • State Ranking for Thumb Injuries: 30
  • National average – $42,432 Texas average: $39,732

Seeking Legal Assistance for Worker’s Compensation Claims

Not every worker’s-compensation claim requires legal expertise and handling, however a large number of them do. At the Ruhmann Law Firm, our attorneys help injured workers secure fair compensation by ensuring that every medical appointment, prescription, and lost hour from work is accounted for. This allows hardworking Americans like yourself to focus on their recovery.

We welcome your call today to arrange a free consultation to discuss your claim, at (915) 845-4529.

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